Unlimited calls to our experts in the following areas:
Legal | Tax | CFO | Intellectual Property
Subscribers also get 15% discount on fees
Expert Subscription Service - $260 per month + GST
We will provide you with unlimited calls to expert advice over the phone (legal, tax, IP, CFO), subject to the following limitations:
Call length is limited to 30 minutes per call.
Calls must be booked in advance using the method prescribed by scale.partners, which currently is by way of a booking tool on the scale.partners website.
You understand that there will be certain areas which we are unable to assist you with and we may need to refer you to another advisor where this is the case. For example, we are unable to assist with the following types of enquiry: criminal law, family law, estate and financial planning, insurance law, personal tax and certain specialist tax areas.
You understand that certain complex areas of law may not be suitable for over the phone advice. Where this is the case we will let you know as soon as possible.
If relevant you may upload supporting documents up to 5 pages in length for the scale.partners expert to review before the call, by using the upload option as part of the online booking tool. We will aim to consider the material in advance of the call if possible.
This Subscription is subject to a fair-use policy. A subscriber can make use of the Services for a single business, that is the business that is a party to this agreement. Where a subscriber is involved in multiple businesses and would like to make use of the Services across those businesses, they can contact scale.partners to discuss a multi-business Subscription.
Subscribers who choose to engage scale.partners for additional services will also benefit from a 15% discount on tax, legal and CFO fees.
The Subscription fee is $260 per month + GST, payable at the start of each month, for a minimum term of 12 months.
Either party can terminate this Subscription by giving the other party one month’s notice in writing. If you terminate this Subscription before its term you will still need to pay out the remainder of the minimum 12 month term of the Subscription.